2010年5月28日 星期五

Lesson 4 The Triple Gem

1. What does the Triple Gem refer to ? How has the Triple Gem benefited mankind ?

2. For what reason(s) does a devotee take refuge in the Triple Gem ?

3. Fill in the blanks.

“A unique being, an extraordinary man arises in this world for the ______ and _______ of the many, out of ________ for the world, for the good, benefit and happiness of gods and men. Who is this Unique Being ? It is the Tathgatha, the Exalted, ___________ .

4. What were the three sights Prince Siddhattha saw that shocked him into reality ?

What was the fourth sight and how was he influenced by it ?

5. Why did Prince Siddhatha renounced the security of home and all he had in exchange for the unknown ?

6. In his quest for truth, he found that the two extremes were to be avoided. What were they ?

7. What was the name of his first sermon and to whom did he preach ?

8. During his 45 years of ministry, he had devoted his energies towards preaching the Dhamma in order to _______ .

9. Why do we discredit the attachment of the Budhha if we make him into one of the gods ?

10. What can we learn from the life of the Buddha ?

