2010年5月31日 星期一

Lesson 1 The Mystery of Living ?

1. What is it we have in common with Albert ? ( Albert is just an ordinary man on the street)

2. What are some of the things people cling to in their search for happiness ?

3. Underline the statements below that are correct.

We can always be happy with money and property.
We can always depend on others for support.
Disappointments are common to all.
True peace lies within us.

4. What makes a person become infatuated with things ?

5. Everything in the universe, from the largest to the smallest, is in the state of _______ .

Because everything rises and falls, clinging to them will only result in ________.

6. Things which please the senses, a man pursues for more and gets attached to them. He tries to own them in order to increase his egoistic feelings of “ _____” ,

“ _____ “ and “ _______”.

7. Why is a person’s wealth and property not really his ?

8. Where can true happiness be found ?

9. Just as mighty ocean is one flavour, the flavour of _________ , even so, this Dhamma is one flavour, the flavour of ____________ .

10. Do you want a rock to build your life upon ?

