2010年5月24日 星期一

Lesson 8 Good Seeds and Reap the Harvest

1. If a deed is performed unintentionally, does it give rise to results ?
Why is there no law-giver to the law of Kamma ?

2. What is difference between Kamma and Vipaka ?

3. From the jingle given, what are the things that cause the shaping of a destiny ? Can you see now why it is important to be mindful of our thoughts ?

4. In what way(s) is Kamma similar to a savings account, and in what way(s) is it different ?

5. What is purpose of performing meritorious actions and how does a person benefit from his performance ?

6. What are the rich fields of merits ?

7. What are some of the things we can do as to increase our store of merits ?

8. Not everything is due to Kamma. Give two reasons supporting this statement.

9. What can the strong aspiration for Nibbana lead to in relation to craving ?

10. Explain in your own words what you understand by the word ‘Kamma’. Why do you think this concept is important ?

